Frequently asked questions

  • Will this damage my phone or computer ?
    • No. The application of FreQuencher on your electronic devices or electrical appliances, does not change the operation of the equipment.
  • Is it hard to install ?
    • No. It is quite easy
      To install freQuencher to your mobile or cell phone, smart phone or other mobile electronic devices, simply peel the wax strip from chip and adhere to a clean flat surface on the back of your device. To install freQuencher to other electronic or electrical devices and appliances, turn off power to the device, peel off wax strip from chip and adhere to a clean flat surface on the back of the device or appliance. Turn power back on.

    Our cells need protection. FreQuencher is able to offer help to reduce the risks and effects associated with the onslaught of these unfamiliar and alien frequencies. An example of this is a virus being fed into a computer, the resulting wrong information quickly destroys the operating system of the computer. It is similar with wrong parameters being fed to living cells of the human body. Like the computer, our body is operating at different frequencies and electrical parameters. Therefore problems may be caused by the foreign external frequencies influencing the body's natural internal frequencies and operating systems.

    When external frequencies and magnetic fields are different to our own cells usual bio-electrical operating system, we may be exposed to unhealthy and unnatural influences. Depending on the strength and distance away from our body, and the period of time of exposure to these frequencies, there could be a detrimental effect on our body's cells and bio-electrical operation, which may go unnoticed for months or years.

    Evidence is now coming to the fore that seems to confirm that the many sensitive operating parameters within our body's natural bio-field may be altered and distorted by EMR. The sources of EMR include mobile, cell and smart phones, cordless phones, tablet devices, laptops, computers, TV's, microwaves, clock radios and much more. Also electrostatic influences and high voltages and other sources of radiation may potentially cause problems, even if we are exposed to them for relatively short periods of time.

    FreQuencher helps to assist the body to work within the body's natural operating parameters. This benefits the way the body responds to the different frequencies and EMF it is exposed to from external sources.

    Be Pro-active Reduce risks Protect your body Suitable for use on mobile and cell phones,smart phones, cordless phones and laptops.